A month ago Paxton had to undergo a surgery for what we thought was a cyst on his right eyebrow. I was so nervous going into it, not so much for the procedure because I knew it would be a simple one, but the fact that he had to go under anesthetic for it. Then I realized, if my husband is going to become an anesthesiologist then I probably shouldn't be freaking out over this. The surgery was early in the morning which helped since Paxton couldn't eat or drink before, and he was at Phoenix Children's. He did such a great job with everything! I didn't cry when they took him away, but I did tear up a little bit when we saw him waking up after the surgery. He was hooked up to all these machines, and as soon as he saw us he started freaking out and trying to crawl off the bed to his mom. At least I know he loves me :) Like I said, the surgery went great and come to find what we thought was a cyst, was actually a hemagioma. Nothing too big just not what everyone thought. It should never come back so that is good news! We are so blessed that it was just a minor thing because I know there are other kids out there with way worse conditions. Breaks my heart for those mothers.
A day after the surgery. Cute boy :D
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