Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Turkey Days

This year for Thanksgiving break, we took a trip up north to Utah! My family was going out for the holiday, so we decided to meet up with them. This was Paxton's first plane ride, and we did it without Austin! I was so nervous, but Paxton was an angel. He took his bottle right at take off, and then slept the whole time. Luckily the trip was only 1.5 hours and there were lots of other families on the plane so it made it less stressful. 
My parents picked us up from the airport and then we headed over to City Creek for some dinner. Austin's grandparents came over for a few minutes to meet the little guy. 
After that we were off to Logan! We took lots of road trips during our week break. We went to Logan to see my grandparents, and Aunt Christine. Then we headed even farther north to Rexburg! Paxton did great in the car, taking lots of long naps and playing with Aunt Jessica and mom. 
While in Rexburg, Paxton got to meet his Great-Grandma Wendy and Great-Grandpa Drew. Along with my aunt and uncle, and my sister's boyfriend Tanner. We stayed in Rexburg a few days which was fun because I had never been there before. It was quite small. Luckily the weather was nice and not freezing like I've heard it usually is :) My mom really wanted to get a picture of us because we all have blue eyes
On Tuesday we started the trip back down to Highland. We made a little pit stop in Pocatello so that Paxton could meet his Great-Great-Grandma Timpson! It was so cool being able to capture a five generation photo. 
Paxton hanging out with Grandpa Shawn at Five Guys! 
Thursday was Thanksgiving, and we celebrated at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Highland. Their little son has a safari room so we wanted to get a picture with Paxton and the lion haha he has this look on his face like "What the heck is this?!"
Austin was lucky enough to make it out Wednesday night, just in time for Thanksgiving! We were so so excited that he could come out and celebrate with us. 
With the sisters
Thanksgiving was so fun, and it was exciting to see all our extended family while showing off Paxton. Friday we spent most of the day in SLC with Austin's family. We went shopping at City Creek for a little bit. 
That night we took advantage of having family around to watch Paxton while we went to a Jazz game! Austin was beyond thrilled to go :D It was our first childless date night since Paxton was born! 
Austin's sister Ashley and Trace 
By Saturday Paxton was done with traveling and just wanted to be home. He was so crabby all day long, but the next day he could tell he was back in his own element and was just fine. For the most part he did such a great job with his first big trip, and meeting lots of family! We had an awesome time getting away and loved helping Paxton celebrate his first Thanksgiving :D 


  1. Haha....oh my gosh, I love that pic of Pax with the lion. Hilarious!! He's so cute!!

  2. So glad we got to see you over break! And glad Austin was able to come out and join you! AND a date night! Lucky! Pax is adorable. And, your hair looks so good in those pics of you and Pax! Love it!
