Sunday, April 10, 2011

So Much for Eating Healthy...

Kind of ironic that one posts later after writing about our healthy eating I am about to write about me eating a Little Caesars Pizza haha I told you I didn't know how long this health kick would last. So here is the real story... This past week I have been craving pizza like crazy!! I would come home from work at 9:00 and wish I had a pizza to eat. I would try to satisfy this craving with other things... things from our well stocked fridge but nothing worked. Finally after a week of suffering, I came home from my night shift Saturday and just couldn't take it anymore! I had to get a pizza to end these incessant cravings! So Austin accompanied me over to the local Little Caesars pizza place. I made it just in the nick of time. They were about to close in like two minutes but I got my hot and ready pizza plus some free crazy bread (they were trying to get rid of it before closing). As soon as I got home I walked in the door,  plopped down on the couch and bit into a slice of pizza. It was amazing!! Everything I had hoped and dreamed it would be. Ok maybe that is taking it too far but it was awesome and it did satisfy my craving. Austin thought it would be funny to make me look like a chunk and take pictures of me eating the pizza. 
Cheese! haha No I did not eat that whole pizza. Just a few slices so I'm not a complete fatty. 


  1. haha love the post! totally showed ryan the picture of your fridge and we were laughing!!! the best part about your blog is that i have been craving pizza this past week like crazy too!!! We need to take you to Peter Piper Pizza! It is amazing!!!

  2. Haha you and your Little Caesar's pizza! We totally had pizza this weekend too, except I had Chase get two, so that we could have lots of leftovers for the week :) I pretty much just crave FOOD these days, and pizza is always good.

  3. We had Little Caesar's on Saturday! MMmmmm...

  4. Ha ha ha! This made me laugh so hard! And I'm sure our outing to Claim Jumper for dessert didn't help keep you on your healthy living kick either! :)
