Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another week down

This picture should really say 13 & 1/2 weeks cause I will be 14 weeks Sunday. We are finally into the second trimester :) I was reading in one of my pregnancy books that said as you head into the second trimester, you might feel excited, relief, and anxiety all in one. Well I am defiantly feeling all of those things! Excited to be that much closer to meeting our little one, relief that we are out of the first trimester and out of that danger zone, and a small dose of anxiety that this is actually happening to us! I am starting to feel a lot better though being out of the first trimester. The only symptom I seem to still be holding on to is that dang exhaustion. I have also noticed that a new symptom is creeping in, a heightened sense of smell. I came home the other day, and wanted to throw up when I walked in the door. Austin had unfortunately made hard boiled eggs that day haha. Then last Sunday as I was sitting at church, someone around us was wearing some very potent perfume. Needless to say I was having a hard time breathing during Sacrament meeting haha.

Last week we were able to go to another doctors appointment. No ultrasound this time, but we did get to have a Doppler done. When doctor put the machine to my stomach we heard the heartbeat instantly! He was a little surprised, and told us our baby is not shy at all! I think that means he is already taking after his dad ;) The doctor said he thinks it's a boy, and we kind of do too, but then again we will be excited either way! We made the next appointment, and we find out the sex on February 27th!!! Two weeks from Monday we will know if we have a little boy or girl in there. I am definitely ready to find out, and let the shopping begin :D


  1. YES!! Lots and lots of shopping when we know! I can't wait! I love being able to do all of the fun baby stuff without actually being pregnant this time! Kind of nice! I think you should have a million babies so I can just have more babies vicariously through you and be selfish, okay? :)

  2. Yea! A picture!
    You look so cute! I am so excited for you, and happy you are now into your second trimester! Enjoy it! I think it is the best so far! Hope that the smells get better. I am way sensitive to smells too, but it was way worse in the first trimester. Good luck.
    Can't wait to find out if you are having a boy or girl. That is cute that you think it is a boy. Wouldn't surprise me. There are lots of boy babies on the way!
