Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I was reading in one of my books that you should start documenting your pregnancy early so that you can see how much you change over the course of it. Even though people say I'm not showing too much right now, I feel like I am haha. I guess I'm just not use to gaining weight. I have a hard time judging how much weight I should/shouldn't be gaining right now. I find myself constantly judging how big I look compared to other people. It is a bad habit that I am trying to work on cause I know if I keep it up, I will drive myself crazy!

Overall pregnancy so far has been interesting... I guess I always imagined that when you get pregnant you might get sick, and then you gain some weight, and that is about it. Wrong! There are so many changes my body is going though that I would have never imagined! For instance, the fact that I am tired all the time!! I sleep in as long as I can in the mornings, and when I come home from work I just want to go to bed. It doesn't matter that I've slept for like 20 hours, it's just not enough! Or the fact that my adolescent acne is in full force again. Also I feel like I have to eat fiber, and drinking prune juice like a 90-year-old woman just so I can regulate myself (TMI? probably but it's true!). No one ever mentions the other side effects of pregnancy. Although, I think I would take all these changes any day over the morning sickness horror stories I hear. Yes I have to deal with the nausea somedays but no where near the extent that most women deal. It really has been a new, and fun journey so far! I know that this is where Austin & I are suppose to be in life right now, and it is reassuring as I deal with these changes. Next week we go for another doctor appointment, and get to hear the heart beat which is exciting! :D Until then...


  1. So glad you are documenting, you will love having these pictures! You look great! And nothing is TMI in pregnancy. Excited to see you and your cute bump on Saturday!

  2. You do look tiny right now but trust me, it gets to a point where that will be a compliment because you feel HUGE! You will love these and I am glad I get to stalk your "changes" :)
