Sunday, January 15, 2012


I guess it is finally time to start blogging about being pregnant! There were some big things that have been happening over the past two months that I really wanted to share on this blog, but knew I couldn't. What better way to start off the new year than to announce our pregnancy!

Monday night, November 28th Austin talked me into taking a pregnancy test. We waited the long five minute wait before checking, and what we saw was one solid pink line and another faint one. I didn't really know what this meant? I had been taking ovulation tests, and knew that they said unless there were two distinct pink lines it didn't mean anything. Well apparently a pregnancy test is a little different than that! Austin wanted to go that night and get another cheap test, but I was done with those dumb pink lines. I just wanted to know for sure. We headed up to Fry's to get one of those Clearblue tests. When we got back I took the test, and before I could get done washing my hands it popped up... pregnant. I squealed and told Austin to go look now! He did and after just stood there smiling. I guess it was true this time, we were going to be parents!

We decided that I should probably tell my mom just so that I had someone to talk to about this and ask questions to, but we weren't going to tell anyone else until Christmas. Yeah that lasted a whole two days. I told my mom the next day, but then Austin decided he had to tell his whole family. I think if I hadn't threatened him a few times he would have told the whole world that week! Instead he did a decent job keeping his poker face on haha. We made our first appointment for December 21st, and wanted to wait to surprise my sisters when they came out after Christmas. I guess this was the beginning of a long nine month journey for us!

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